Sabtu, 30 September 2017

Say it with pictures

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

A few days ago, I visited some of the attractions that are in Pontianak. And on this accasions I will present some of the popular attractions that are suitable for you visit.

1.       Alun Kapuas Park

     Locate: Alun Kapuas Park

For you connoisseurs the beauty of sunset, cant’n hurt to try a visit to Alun Kapuas Park. You will be presented with a view of the beautiful sky and Kapuas river that is colored golden yellow exposed to the rays of the sun.

Bagi anda penikmat keindahan sunset, tidak ada salahnya untuk berkunjung ke Taman  Alun Alun Kapuas. Anda akan disuguh kan pemandangan langit yang indah dan sungai Kapuas yang berwarna kuning keemasan di terpa pancaran sinar matahari.

2.       Alun Kapuas Park

    Locate : Alun  Kapuas Park

In addition to the scenery of the sunset are beautiful, Alun Kapuas Park also pamper visitors with tourist boats. You only need to pay of Rp. 20.000 to be able to enjoy the beauty of the Kapuas river.

Selain pemandangan sunset nya yang indah, Taman Alun Alun Kapuasjuga memanjakan pengunjung nya dengan kapal wisata. Anda hanya perlu membayar Rp. 20.000 untuk bisa menikmati keindahan sungai Kapuas .

3.       Akcaya Park

    Locate : Akcaya Park

As you pass through Jl. Sultan Syahrir Abdurahman, it feels incomplete of not a visit to the Akcaya Park. Here you will see the miniature ships that decorate the flowers and lights that make the icon of the park it self. This park has value of education, namely  with the library and play area for children.

Jika anda melewati  Jl. Sultan Syahrir Abdurahman, rasanya tidak lengkap jika  tidak berkunjung ke Taman Akcaya. Disini kamu akan melihat miniatur kapal yang di hiasi bunga dan lampu yang dijadikan ikon taman itu sendiri. Taman ini memiliki nilai pendidikan dengan adanya rumah baca dan area bermain bagi anak anak.

4.       Masjid Raya Mujahidin

    Locate : Masjid Raya Mujahidin

The mosque is located at Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani is the grandest mosques in west borneo. The mosque is designed to follow the Prophet’s mosque, and supported the adequate space so that it is used as one of religious tourism by the community. This mosque became the center of the da’wah of the muslim in west borneo and can accommodate up to 9.000 worshippers.

Masjid yang terletak di Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani ini merupakan masjid termegah yang berada di wilayah Kalimantan Barat. Masjid ini di desain mengikuti Masjid Nabawiserta di dukung tata ruang yang memadai sehingga di jadikan sebagai salah satu wisata religi oleh masyarakat. Masjid ini menjadi pusat dakwah ummat Islam di Kalimantan Barat dan dapat menampung hingga 9.000 jamaah.

Minggu, 17 September 2017

Introducing of Myself

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

        For the first of all, I would like to introduce my self.
My name is Erni Setiawati. I was born in Timpuk, 17th October 1999.

I was from Sekadau and I live in Jl. Parit Haji Husin 1.
I am the first daughter of my family. I have one sister and one brother, theirs names are Sindi Setiani and Dika Saputra.

        My hobbies are read the novel, write the story, and watching the movie. I love many colours, like blue, green, white, and pink.
I was study at 33 Ikatan Tunggal Elementary School, 2 Junior High School Sekadau Hilir, 4 senior High School Sekadau Hilir, and now I continue my study in University of Tanjungpura.
The reason of why I continue my study at University of Tnjungpura is because in the truth, women should have a good education, and I want to make myself being a useful person of people.
These are two reasons of why I choosed this study program, social Education.
First, because I didn’t pass when I was choosed Biology Education.
Second, because I love this study program when I was in Elementary School.

       I feel so happy and gateful because my parents still support  what I choose for my life.
I going to go home after I finish my study. I would like to be a teacher at my hometown, Sekadau. And I have a dream, I would like to being loyal for public, especially in education.
This is all of my short story of my self. I am sorry if I made a mistake in my writing.
Thank you so much had read this introduction of my self.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh