Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Ayam Penyet

Today I visited a restaurant not far from where I live, in this restaurant I chose the menu Ayam Penyet because
I think in addition to this popular food among students, the price is also affordable for students who must save money actually why is it said Ayam Penyet?

The term penyet comes from the Java language which means mashed.
Why is it ?? Because the dishes served will be crushed with chili before serving. Penyet which is a typical food of East Java, using temporary as penyet  material, but over time, the side dish began to vary, such as: tofu, eggs, chicken, duck, catfish, carp, and ribs penyet.

But the menu is served here slightly different from the menu located in East Java.
Here, Ayam  penyet di bakar alalu served with rice, cucumber, mustard, chilli sauce, gravy, cremated flour, and fried onions. The combination of the taste of a grilled chicken roast that is soft and rich in spices and chili sauce that tastes spicy sweet will shake your tongue, plus more with there his cucumber and fresh mustard of course will increase your appetite. Places that are used to serve food is also unique because it is made of bamboo and in layers of paper feeding and banana leaves give a traditional feel.

For the portion of Ayam penyet can be adjusted to the buyer's request. There is a portion of packet S, Package M, and package L. For the menu served remains the same, only big portions different. I highly recommend for you who are confused in choosing a delicious meal menu but still cheap, especially for students. Feel the sensation of  Ayam Penyet that rocked your tongue.

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017

video Submission

Lipat kertas menjadi dua bagian.
Lipat sisi atas menjadi segitiga.
Lipat sisi bawah menuju atas.

Lipat pinggir kertas ke belakang.
Lipat ke bawah.
Lipat sisi atas dan bawah ke dalam.
Lipat secara simetris.
Bongkar lipatan sebelumnya menjadi seperti semula lalu lipat lagi berlawanan arah.
Lipat sisi kiri dan kanan hingga membentuk seperti sayap pesawat.
Selamat berkreasi

Fold the paper in half.
Fold the top side into a triangle. Fold the bottom side up.
Fold the edge of the paper back.
Fold down.
Fold the top and bottom sides inward.
Fold symmetrically.
Unload the fold before it becomes the same and then fold again in the opposite direction.
Fold the left and right sides to form like a plane wing.
Happy to be creative.

Three Levels of Government

I.                    Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words from the passage

1.       Officials
People appointed or elected to an office, especially as representatives of an organization or government department
2.       Mayor
The elected head of a city, town, or other municipalities
3.       Senators
Member of a senate
4.       Entrust
To put (something) into someone’s care or protection
5.       Interest
Something that brings advantages to or affects a person or a group of people

II.                  Decide whether theses statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false one
1.       F
2.       F
3.       T
4.       T
5.       T

III.                Short Answer
1.       Name the three levels of government in the U.S is Local, state, and federal
2.       The mayor and city council members pass laws, the laws affect the city and the people who live there
3.       They protect the health and safety of state citizens
4.       President
5.       It can print money, it can negotiate with other countries, it can declare war on another country

IV.                Reading Discussion (group work)
1.        central government, provines government, city government, distric government, village government

2.       if I may choose to live in which province, then I will choose to live in Yogyakarta, because Yogyakarta is one of the regions that gets the nickname as "Kota Pendidikan". I am studying in Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta system of education is more advanced and systematic, and Yogyakarta is a city that has a high culture, friendly community life, harmonious life, rich in beautiful panoramas such as beaches, sea, mountains , and historic sites.

3.       The Indonesian government uses a system of democratic government, within a democratic government, the president is elected by the people through elections, solving problems by deliberation, etc. The other is the American governmental system which uses free liberal government system
Indonesia in accordance with existing law, still open the opportunity for pemekaran district / city, while in the U.S. the expansion of the area was closed, full employee. In the US there is no more regional expansion, or create a new district (district).

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullhi Wabarakatuh
Every human being has a dream to be accomplished, so it is with me. My dreams or target in this years that is,
First, gathering task on time, why? Because I want to be disciplined.
Second, my savings money should increase every week, because sometimes the need can not be planned. So, when someday I need a money n the sudden, I do not ask for money anymore to the my parents, although the money is actually from them.
Third, I can not have a boyfriend. Besides being banned in Islam, I also want to focus on learning and I think there will be a  lot of wasted time, as a result my study was disrupted.
And my dreams for the next 5 years is, I have graduation and serve as a teacher in my village, Sekadau.
I want to be agent of change for my village.
The first step I will take is to open the guidance of studying at home, and it’s free for Elementary School students  who want to study with me. Why? because I realize the level of education there is still low. I also want to be active in the organization that exist in the community.
I will be active again in Rohis to build my brother’s sister who is in Junior High School and Senior High School, so that they behave in accordance with the guidance of religion, because I think they are close to promiscuity. And through women’s organization I will mobilize women to participate in the progress for the village.
I will awaken teenagers and women who have been asleep neglected by time to move towards a better change.
And for that of course I will cooperate with my friends from this village who work the field of education and health. So this is my dreams 
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Understanding the American Education System


I. Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words in the passage
1. Degree
c. A qualification given to a student after she/he has completed her/his studies in higher education.
2. Course
b. A series of lectures or lessons in aa particular subject, typically leading to a qualification
3. Switch
a. Change
4. Excel
a. To show superiority

II.Decide whether these statement are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false one.
1.       F
2.       T
3.       F
4.       T
5.       T
6.       F
7.       T
8.       F
III. Provide Brief answers to the following questions.
1.       What is an Associate of Arts (AA) ?
Answer : Is an academic transfer degree designed for students who will ultimately be pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree at a four year college / university that is not math or science oriented.
2.       Name five common prerequisite courses!
Answer : Commonly known as prerequisite courses : literature , science, the social sciences, the arts, history, and so forth.
3.       Provide an example of a major!
Answer : For example if someone’s major is journalism, they will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.
4.       What the name of the degree awarded to students who pass their four-year college education?
Answer : They will earn an Associate of arts (AA) transfer degree and then transfer to a four-year university or college.
5.       What is college or university study known as?
Answer : College or university studi known as “ higher education”

IV. Reading Discussion (Group work)
1.        How is the college/university system in the U.S different from the college/university system in Indonesia?
Answer : college system in the U.S its very unique, in American higher education system is that you can change your majors at some point in their undergraduation studies. Often students discover a different field that they excel in or enjoy. The American education system is very flexible.

2.       Which one do you prefer: to decide on your major early in your college year or later?
Answer : at the beginning of the year, because itcan be more focused  to the department and instead of wastring time, to try othersmajors.

3.       Why do you choosesocial science education?
Answer : because we like it, want to deepen social science so that we can have a high school science and can be applied properly

4.       What do you think can be improved from the college/university system in Indonesia
Answer : there is no awareness from students to learn independenty, theway of learning not effective, student are less active. The learning process only emphasizes the knowledge about the majors is taken.